6 Foods You Shouldn’t Put in a Blender

Some of the items on our list might surprise you.

blender with a variety of fruits, vegetables, and coffee beans

Daniel Grizelj/Getty Images

Have you ever had a blender that only lasts a few years? I’m not talking about one of those expensive, high-power models; I’m talking about a standard blender that is meant to last through smoothies, sauces, and beyond. If you find yourself replacing blenders more than you’d like, it could be because certain foods damage the blade and machinery. 

Most people assume you can put anything into a blender, but there are other appliances that are better suited for certain foods, such as food processors, immersion blenders, and coffee grinders. To ensure your blender stands the test of time, avoid using it with these six items. 

Hot Liquids or Food

Have you ever seen a soup recipe that tells you to pour everything into a blender to give it a smoother consistency? Think again! Putting very hot ingredients into a blender can not only burn your hands, but it can also ruin your appliance. An immersion blender is a great gadget to own to avoid the blender altogether, but if you don’t have one, simply place your hot ingredients into a bowl until they’re cooled down. Then blend!

Coffee Beans

Here’s the thing: you technically could use a blender as a coffee grinder, but it’s not a wise choice. That’s because, over time, blending coarse coffee beans will dull the blender’s blades. But, more importantly, you’re never going to get beans that are ground evenly due to the shape of the blender. 


Similarly to coffee beans, ice shouldn’t be put in your blender because it could damage the appliance, dull the blades, and the ice won’t be properly crushed. But what about adding ice to smoothies and slushies? That’s an exception since the other ingredients will help break up the ice—just be sure not to overload the blender!

Dried Fruit

When it comes to putting fruit in a blender, fresh or frozen is always the way to go. Adding dried fruit to a sauce or marinade may seem like a good idea, but not when said sauce is prepared in a blender. The leathery, tough texture of dried fruit combined with the sticky interior is a recipe for disaster. 


This may be shocking, but putting potatoes in a blender is a big no-no. Within minutes of blending a baked potato, the starch and liquid will create a gummy-like texture. If you’re looking to make silky smooth mashed potatoes, always use a ricer or masher; a blender is not the way to go. 

Almonds (and Other Nuts)

Yes, we know how almond milk is made, but did you know that whole nuts can damage your blender beyond repair? When making plant-based milks from scratch, the key is to soak the nuts in water to soften them before blending. If you need finely crushed nuts like, almonds or cashews for salads or desserts, your best bet is to coarsely chop them with a knife instead.

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