5 Things To Get Rid of in February

Start your spring cleaning early this year.

Things to declutter in February, ornaments and gift taps arranged on teal background

Anilakkus/Getty Images

February might be the shortest month of the year, but it can also be one of the most productive in terms of home organizing. Other than Valentine’s Day and Presidents' Day—most of us don’t have an overwhelming amount of obligations. So why not use this time to get your home clean, decluttered, and ready for spring? Here are five things to get rid of in February. 

Holiday Decor

Any holiday decor that's still up should come down immediately. After all, how will you decorate for Valentine’s Day? Then, it’s time to go through all of it and see what you no longer need. 

Shantae Duckworth, professional organizer and founder of Shantaeize Your Space, suggests getting rid of anything that is beyond repair or no longer your holiday style. This also means there will be less clutter to tackle next holiday season. 

Kitchen Items You Don't Use

Whether it’s a non-stick pan that's lost its coating or those chipped dessert plates, many of the items we use for entertaining don’t last forever. “Anything that you did not use this holiday season or anything that is taking up unnecessary space should be discarded and donated,” Duckworth says. “This includes any rotisserie pans or other big bulky items that you used to cook in your kitchen for the holidays that may need to be replaced for the following season.”

If you have a small kitchen or storage is limited, you may need to say goodbye to that tree-shaped cookie platter, but at least you can look forward to shopping for new things next year.

Old Winter Clothes

February is also a great time to go through your closet before the spring. Get rid of anything that’s stained, ripped, or beyond repair. “This is also a great time to go through your winter wardrobe and let go of any sweaters, long pants, long johns that you have not worn this past winter and that no longer fit you or your style,” Duckworth says. “That way, you invite more space into your closet for other items.”

Rose Pulver, professional organizer and co-founder of The Thoughtful Home, tells me February is a great time to inspect raincoats, rain boots, light jackets, and sweaters. “Anything that has been outgrown, damaged, or unused in the last two years can be donated or thrown away.”

School Materials 

Kids are a major cause of clutter in the home. According to Katrina Green, founder of Badass Homelife, ADHD organizing specialist, and coach, February is a perfect time to sort through and get rid of all those things you don't want to keep for the long haul. “What I noticed as an organizer is that kids often come home with a myriad of paper documents. Most moms get overwhelmed with what to keep as memorabilia or if it's just trash,” she says. “I think this would be a great area to focus on and build a system for while decluttering, so that you reduce the overwhelm it brings every year."

Miscellaneous Papers

Most of us have at least one stack of old mail sitting around. Lindsey Mahanna, professional organizer and founder of Clutter to Clarity Home Organizing, tells me February is a great time to take on those unopened envelopes and random papers. “Go through your paperwork and divide it into four piles: shred, throw out, and take action (bills to pay or tax documents), and file. Hopefully, you can get through the sorting in one sitting, but if you can't, just keep tackling the piles until you are through it all.”

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