Is That Cantaloupe You're Eating Actually a Muskmelon?

These fruits are similar, but not identical.


Liudmila Chernetska / Getty Images

Given that only 12% of Americans eat the recommended amount of fruit, it’s safe to say that most people could stand to eat more from the healthy food group. Still, fresh produce can be pricey and it’s perishable. Another possible barrier to eating more fruit? There’s a lot to know. There are different types and species of fruits, not to mention the headache that is keeping up with in-season produce and decoding labels like organic, non-GMO, and more. 

You don’t have to be an expert on fruit classifications to enjoy this nutritious food group, however. Fruit is an important source of essential nutrients, like vitamins and fiber, so you should load up when you can. To deepen your growing knowledge of various fruits, let’s dive into the distinction between two fruits with some overlap—muskmelon vs cantaloupe. 

What Is a Muskmelon? 

A muskmelon is a type of netted-rind fruit belonging to the gourd (Cucurbitaceae) family. “Muskmelon” doesn’t refer to just one fruit—it’s an umbrella term for multiple fruits belonging to the Cucumis genus. Within this genus are different species.

Like the name suggests, muskmelons are melons, so they have seeds on the inside and skin on the outside. Muskmelon skin is usually rough and smooth, though some have a smooth rind. Most muskmelons have a round or oblong shape.

Cantaloupe is an example of a muskmelon, which is why the two terms are sometimes conflated. All cantaloupes are muskmelons, but not all muskmelons are cantaloupes. Other species of muskmelons include honeydew and canary melons. Some non-sweet fruits also belong to the muskmelon family, such as the Armenian cucumber and Oriental pickling melon.  

What Is a Cantaloupe?

A cantaloupe is a species of muskmelon belonging to the Cucumis genus and gourd family. It’s a true melon—it’s heavy with a hard exterior and soft flesh. Cantaloupe rinds are rough and the flesh is sweet, though it’s not as watery as some melons. In true melon fashion, cantaloupes also have a cavity for seeds in the middle. They’re also round or slightly oval in shape. While the whole melon is technically edible, the flesh is the most popular part of the fruit to eat.

There’s a lot you can do with cantaloupe—snack on it, use it as a salad topping, or grill it on skewers. With its high water content, it’s a tasty way to hydrate, which is why it’s also used in popsicles and beverages like lemonade. Cantaloupe has other health benefits, such as providing dietary fiber, vitamin C, and potassium.

While cantaloupe is a summer fruit, it’s available year round. However, it’ll have maximum flavor in June and August. You’ll know a cantaloupe is ripe when it feels heavy for its size, has a yellow-ish exterior, and boasts a sweet smell.

Muskmelon vs. Cantaloupe

Cantaloupes are often called muskmelons, and while this is true, it can be misleading. Cantaloupe is a type of muskmelon, but it’s not the only one. There are several other muskmelons, including other melons and some cucumbers

“Muskmelon” refers to a group of fruits, while “cantaloupe” refers to one species. A muskmelon is defined as a type of fruit with a rind and seeds, while also belonging to the gourd family. They can be smooth or rough, soft or sweet, or round or oblong. Cantaloupes have a textured rind, sweet flesh, and round shape. They also feel heavy and have a sweet scent. 

How do you cook with these fruits? Cantaloupes are sweet, versatile fruits. You can eat them alone, use them in both sweet and savory salads, cook them on the grill, and so on. Sweet muskmelons, such as honeydew, are used very similarly. Non-sweet muskmelons like cucumbers, on the other hand, are usually treated like vegetables. You can incorporate non-sweet muskmelons into salads and drinks, or eat them with dips or sauces.

Can You Use Cantaloupe Instead of Muskmelon? 

Since “muskmelon” is an overarching term for various fruits, there is some variety. This means that cantaloupe and muskmelon aren’t always perfect substitutes for each other.

You can use cantaloupe instead of muskmelon when the recipe calls for a sweet muskmelon, such as honeydew or canary melon. You can use these at a 1:1 ratio because they have a similar texture and sweet taste.

Cantaloupe isn’t the best substitute for non-sweet muskmelons, however. Some cucumbers are also included under the muskmelon umbrella. Though they’re high in water like cantaloupes, they’re not sweet and have a more mild flavor. They’re also crunchy and higher in water content, so they have a different texture which will affect the outcome of your recipe.

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