10 "Microadventures" You Can Take When You Need a Quick Happiness Boost

Researchers say we can lift our mood by shaking up our daily routine. Here are 10 small-but-powerful ideas to try.

A group of small, colorful illustrations: an unfolded travel map, a chair and table with a broom propped against them, an open book, a compass, a pizza, and a to-go coffee cup with a smiley face drawn on the cardboard sleeve

Marie Doazan

Trusty routines are comforting, but making time for a little adventure is equally essential for our mental health. Humans are wired to seek new experiences, which reward us with a burst of the feel-good chemical dopamine—and according to research, novelty yields all kinds of psychological benefits, enhancing our mood, motivation, and memory.

That said, adventure doesn't have to mean far-flung feats of derring-do. If you're a hardcore homebody, or tethered by your day job, or lack the cash for a ticket on a rocket ship, don't fret! Consider embarking on microadventures—simple ways to shake up the same-old, same-old and discover something new in your day-to-day life. Here are 10 ideas to get you started.

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Take a Different Route Home from Work

A new environment, even if it's only a few blocks from our normal route, has a way of waking us up to our surroundings. Add an element of audio adventure by switching up whatever you normally listen to: If you usually play music, try a podcast or audiobook, or vice versa. Or get radical and enjoy total silence.

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Stop at a New Place for Your Morning Coffee

Pretend you're an intriguing stranger who's just passing through town. Chat with a barista, or the person next to you in line. Order something you've never tried: That dragon fruit latte might be just the thing to get you out of your caffeine comfort zone.

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Move in a New Way

Trade your basement treadmill for a hula-hoop. Skip spin class and try an African dance workout (search YouTube for video classes). Or swap Pilates for a long, contemplative walk with only your thoughts for company. Try anything that speaks to you!

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Rearrange Your Furniture

Moving your couch literally gives you a new perspective—and haven't you always wondered whether a feng shui-ed layout could bring you health, prosperity, and happiness? You'll never know unless you give it a go.

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Go to a New Restaurant

Bonus points if it's a cuisine you've never sampled. Or visit the cookbook section of your local library, where you'll find all kinds of dishes just waiting to be discovered: Cook your way through Vintage Recipes of the 1970s, or whip up a Klingon Lingta Roast from The Star Trek Cookbook.

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Have a Weeknight Dinner Party

Speaking of cookbook adventures, this is an excellent opportunity to invite a few people you love over to share some delights from the pages of In the Kitchen with Miss Piggy. Or you can just order pizza. The point is the forbidden thrill of making merry on a school night.

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Find a New Poem

If you haven't read poetry since your school days, it's time to rediscover the universe of verse. At poetryfoundation.org, you can browse by topic (nature, love, apologies, holidays), time period, where the poet lived, verse form (sestina, sonnet, etc.), and more. For maximum enjoyment, read your new discoveries aloud. 

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Spend an Entire Day Outside

You've no doubt read about all the studies that prove spending time in nature makes us happier—but "nature" doesn't have to mean forest walks, canoes, and campfires. Just step outside your door and spend the day in your yard, a local park, or any green space where you can comfortably settle in for the day: Eat, read, daydream, nap, hike, host a cornhole tournament—the possibilities are endless!

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Discover New Music

A good soundtrack can make even your grocery-store run feel like an adventure. At the free streaming radio and social networking platform 8tracks, you can check out other members’ playlists and upload yours. Looking for something more obscure? Take a spin through Forgotify,com, where you'll find a randomly generated mix of Spotify tracks that have never been played.

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Drive to an Intriguing Place You've Never Been

Combine the thrill of discovering a new place with a test of your survival skills: Try to navigate to your destination, and back home, without using your phone. So what if you get a tiny bit lost? Exploring the unknown is part of the thrill.

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