5 Natural Ways to Get Rid of Slugs from Your Garden

Experts share chemical-free ways to eliminate the slimy pest.

small and tiny snails on taro leaves

Muhamad dede ramli/Getty Images

In small numbers, slugs can help decompose organic matter and add nutrients to the soil in your garden. However, if you have an infestation of slugs in your garden, they can seriously damage your plants—slugs feed on vegetables, fruits, flowers, and ornamentals, damaging them in the process. Slugs can also spread diseases between plants, too.

Luckily, there are different ways to eliminate slugs in your garden and protect your plants. The experts weigh in with tips to get rid of slugs from your garden so your plants stay healthy and thrive.

  • Jeremy Yamaguchi, CEO of Lawn Love, an on-demand lawn care service provider
  • Steve Sylva, owner of Steve’s Services, a landscaping company in Malden, MA

Natural Methods to Get Rid of Slugs

Remove Slugs by Hand

To get started, put on a pair of gloves and get a bucket of soapy water. Head out to your garden in the early morning or at dusk and look for slugs. Slugs love cool, moist places. Look under rocks, mulch, leaves, around the base of plants, and under pots. Pick up the slugs and place them in the soapy water to kill them. Or, you can relocate them to other outdoor areas where they cannot do much harm. 

Use Crushed Eggshells and Coffee Grounds

Another slug solution is to use natural materials that deter slugs in your garden. Crushed eggshells and coffee grounds make excellent slug repellents. 

“Crushed eggshells and coffee grounds are a successful, natural way to deter slugs from your garden,” says Jeremy Yamaguchi, CEO of Lawn Love. “Simply add either (or both) of these items to your garden soil, and their rough texture will prevent slugs from being able to move around in your garden. Eggshells and coffee grounds are compostable items that can improve your soil as well, so you’ll actually be doing your garden two favors!”

Make a Beer Trap

These easy-to-make devices entrap and kill slugs. All you need are small containers and some beer to make them.

“Use beer traps—small containers filled with beer, buried in the garden so that the rim is at soil level,” says Steve Sylva, owner of Steve’s Services, a landscaping company in Malden, MA.. “Slugs are attracted to the yeast, fall in, and drown. This method, while a bit grim, can be quite effective.”

Lure Natural Predators That Eat Slugs

You can also attract natural predators that feed on your garden slugs. Ground beetles and rove beetles, firefly larvae, frogs, toads, salamanders, ground-foraging birds like thrushes, robins, starlings, and ducks, and small mammals like hedgehogs, shrews, and even some rodents like mice and voles feed on slugs. 

To attract these creatures to your garden, you put out logs or small rock piles for shelter. A small pond or birdbath can attract birds, frogs, and toads to your garden. You can also grow various plants, including flowers, to attract beneficial insects. 

Use Well-Draining Soil 

Maintaining your garden by using well-draining soil and allowing the soil to dry out fully between watering also helps get rid of slugs. The slimy critters are attracted to moisture, so improving drainage and preventing pileups of cool, damp places to hide help ward off slugs. Keep your garden clear of debris and organic matter to prevent slugs from finding sanctuary.

Chemical Methods to Get Rid of Slugs 

If you try natural methods to get rid of slugs and still have an infestation, it may be time to turn to chemical options.

“Regarding chemical methods, using environmentally-friendly options like baits with iron phosphate is advisable,” says Sylva. “These baits are toxic to slugs but safer for other wildlife and pets. Make sure to sprinkle these during the evenings as slugs are more active at night.”

Keep in mind that chemicals that kill slugs may also kill beneficial creatures in your garden, though, and many chemicals are hazardous to pets and wildlife. For chemical slug control, opt for iron phosphate options when possible. Take precautions and follow all safety guidelines. If you doubt the safety or method of using a particular chemical, consult a pest control expert for help. 

How to Prevent Slugs Naturally

Some simple design techniques can help you create an environment that deters slugs in your garden. Use well-draining soil and keep your garden clear of potential slug shelters. Slugs love cool, moist places, so removing organic matter and other items will help prevent slugs. 

“To prevent future infestations, maintaining a clean garden is key,” says Sylva. “Remove any debris, fallen leaves, or weeds where slugs can find shelter. Cultivating the soil regularly can also help by bringing slug eggs to the surface, exposing them to predators and the elements. Finally, consider planting slug-resistant plants such as asters and ferns, which can reduce the overall appeal of your garden to these pests.”

Make your garden an unfriendly place for slugs by planting slug-repelling plants like ferns, lamb’s ears (Stachys byzantina), or foxgloves (Digitalis). These fuzzy plants have textures that slugs find unpleasant to crawl on. Some herbs—like rosemary, thyme, lavender, and sage—have strong scents that repel slugs. Certain vegetables like Swiss chard and kale have a bitter taste discouraging slugs. Choose a slug-repellent plant that will fit into your garden and environment for a natural slug deterrent. 

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What are slugs?

    Slugs are small, slimy, shell-less mollusks related to snails. They look like snails without shells. In small doses, slugs offer benefits in your garden as they break down organic matter, returning nutrients to the soil. They also serve as food for birds and other animals that can be helpful to your garden. However, slugs can do a lot of damage in gardens because they feed on plants. 

    In gardens, slugs feed on plants, leaving damaged leaves, stems, and seedlings. If you have many slugs, plants that slugs like, or seedlings, slugs can be devastating in your outdoor spaces. The small, slimy creatures can also carry and transmit diseases between plants.

  • How do I know I have a slug infestation?

    Slugs are nocturnal creatures that are most active at night, so you may not spot them in your garden during the day. They often hide under rocks or other objects, burrowed in moist, dark places. You may see them at night or on cloudy days. Signs of slugs in your garden include slime trails and holes in the leaves of your plants. 

    “Recognizing a slug infestation is often straightforward—look for irregular holes in leaf surfaces and shiny slime trails on your plants and soil, which are telltale signs,” says Sylva.

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