8 Honeydew Melon Benefits to Boost Your Immune System, Skin, and More

As it turns out, there are many reasons to love honeydew.

Honeydew melon

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While the U.S. Open may be behind us, social media posts highlighting the famed Honey Deuce cocktail are still flooding in. This drink is a delicious combination of vodka, raspberry liqueur, lemonade, and a balled honeydew melon garnish adorably mimicking a tennis ball, of course.

But aside from adorning pricey cocktails, honeydew melon is a family favorite fruit, especially during the warm summer months and early fall, when it’s in season. This bright green melon imparts an irresistibly sweet, slightly tart flavor. But don’t let its natural sweetness fool you, this popular fruit is also packed with nutrients, benefitting our health in a multitude of ways. Read on to learn all the amazing honeydew melon benefits here.

  • Amy Davis, RDN, registered dietitian at Amy Davis Nutrition
  • Julie Pace, RDN, registered dietitian and owner of Core Nutrition Health & Wellness in Mississippi

Honeydew Melon Nutrition

First, let’s take a quick glance at the nutritional breakdown of honeydew melon, per the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) database:

Honeydew Melon (1 cup diced, 170 grams)

153 calories
1 grams (g)
Total Carbohydrates:
16 g
Fiber: 1.4 g
Sugar: 14g
0 g
153 g, 90 percent total volume

Vitamin C:
31 milligrams (mg), 34 percent of Daily Value (DV)*
Vitamin B6:
0.15 mg, 9% DV
32 micrograms (mcg), 8% DV
Vitamin K:
5 mcg, 4% DV
388 mg, 8% DV
17 mg, 4% DV

Based on this information, we can see that a serving of honeydew offers notable amounts of water, fiber, potassium, and folate, as well as vitamins C and B6. The summertime fruit also contains trace amounts of vitamin K and magnesium, in addition to a range of plant compounds, or phytochemicals, like lutein and zeaxanthin.

8 Honeydew Melon Benefits

This impressive nutritional profile lends honeydew to supporting overall health in a variety of ways. Here are some areas of health most positively impacted by honeydew melon:

Immune Health

“Honeydew melon is an excellent source of vitamin C, which helps protect cells from damage and supports overall immune health,” says Amy Davis, RDN. Additionally, the plant compounds found in honeydew also act as antioxidants that reduce bodily inflammation and fight off disease-causing free radical molecules, further bolstering the immune system.

Metabolic Health

While honeydew melon does have around 14 grams of naturally-occurring sugar per one cup serving, it actually has been found to benefit those with metabolic concerns, like type 2 diabetes. “Research suggests that eating around 3.5 to 5 ounces of fruit daily, including honeydew melon, can help reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes and lower complications for those already diagnosed with type 2 diabetes,” says Julie Pace, RDN. This is likely thanks to the blood sugar-regulating fiber and inflammation-reducing antioxidants this beloved fruit contains.

Heart Health

The fiber, particularly soluble fiber, found in honeydew also supports heart health through binding to dietary cholesterol in the small intestine, passing it through the body as waste and reducing absorption into the bloodstream. Prolonged elevated levels of circulating cholesterol can contribute to plaque build-up on the vein and artery walls, a hallmark symptom of certain heart diseases. “It’s also a good source of potassium, which aids in supporting heart health through regulating blood pressure,” Pace adds.

Gut Health

“Honeydew melon can help aid in digestion and regularity due to its fiber and high water content,” says Davis. Both nutrients help to move food through the gastrointestinal tract, while the soluble fiber found in this fruit acts as food for the healthy bacteria in the gut microbiome—further supporting not only gut health but immune health as well.

Skin Health

The high vitamin C content of honeydew melon also bodes well for glowing skin. “Vitamin C supports healthy skin,” Pace emphasizes. This is due to the fact that vitamin C plays a large role in collagen synthesis, while also warding off free radical molecules that can contribute to signs of aging, like wrinkles, as well as certain skin diseases.

Optimal Hydration

Speaking of water, the fact that honeydew is 90 percent water also means that this fruit can help you meet your daily hydration needs without having to track down your water bottle. “The potassium in this melon is also crucial for fluid and electrolyte balance as a major electrolyte,” Davis adds.

Eye Health

The carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin found in honeydew melon are phytonutrients well-known to support eye health. A 2022 review published in Nutrients found these two plant compounds to be associated with delayed progression of eye diseases like cataracts and age-related macular degeneration.

Weight Maintenance

And finally, regular honeydew melon consumption may support healthy weight maintenance. “Since honeydew melon is low in calories and contains around 90 percent water, it can be helpful for those looking to lose or maintain weight,” Davis explains.

Ways to Enjoy Honeydew Melon

These noteworthy honeydew melon benefits, in combination with its yummy sweet flavor, make it the perfect addition to a variety of dishes.

“When choosing a honeydew melon at the grocery store, select one that feels heavy for its size, has a slightly waxy texture, and smells sweet at the stem end,” says Pace. If you want to eat your honeydew relatively soon, be sure to pick one with a creamy yellow hue rather than green, as this is a sign of a more ripe fruit.

Once you have a ripe honeydew melon that is ready to be enjoyed, there are so many tasty recipes you can include it in. Aside from eating it as a standalone snack, this melon is delicious in salads, smoothies, dipped in chocolate, or mixed into yogurt or cottage cheese. Then, of course, it can be balled and used as a garnish for drinks, or pureed to be added directly to a variety of mocktails or cocktails. The mild sweetness of this fruit plays well with a variety of fruit juices, alcohols, sparkling waters, and even soft drinks for easy (and advanced level) mixology.

The Bottom Line

Honeydew melon is not only a scrumptious summer seasonal fruit, but it is also chock-full of nutrients. These combine to support health in a variety of ways, from immune and skin health, to gut vitality and hydration. You can enjoy one-cup servings of honeydew anywhere from a few times per week to everyday to reap these incredible benefits.

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  1. *Daily Value is based on the average adult needs for males and females without pre-existing conditions per the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

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