When Is the Best Time to Work Out? We Asked Fitness Experts

Morning workouts vs. evening workouts: Is one better than the other?

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Some people wake up with the sun easily—no coffee required—and run a cool four miles before the day even begins; others can work a full 9 to 5, get in an exercise class at the gym, and still have the energy to whip up dinner. But perhaps (like many folks) you're somewhere in between or change your workout schedule as your mood changes. Does it matter if you exercise in the morning or evening? Here, fitness experts share their ideas on finding the best time to work out, plus the pros and cons of exercising in the morning vs. later in the day.

  • Kristen Richers is a Tennessee-based kinesiologist, fitness instructor, and birth doula.
  • Mike Moreno, NSCA-CPT is a personal trainer and owner of Glory Combat Sports & Fitness in Arizona.
  • Janet Omstead is a certified precision nutritionist, personal trainer, and master health coach.
  • Ryan Kennedy is a NASM-certified trainer and the fitness director of FIELDHOUSE at The Park in New Jersey.

Pros of Working Out in the Morning

Some research suggests that the early morning is the optimal time for a workout. However, those studies were ultimately found inclusive and only analyzed people assigned female at birth and mice as subjects. Even still, there are some benefits to working out in the morning:

  • Improves your mood: Exercising in the morning can help set your mood for the day. The sense of accomplishment and release of endorphins (mood-boosting hormones) can start your day on the right track.
  • Increases energy: Working up a sweat can help you feel more energized and alert. The increased blood flow provides oxygen to your brain and muscles, elevating energy and cognitive abilities.
  • Helps with metabolism: The boost in calories (or energy) burned when working out helps your body's metabolism—the rate at which food is converted into energy. So, the more you exercise, the more calories burned, and the higher your metabolism.
  • Promotes better sleep: Because exercising helps reduce stress and increases melatonin (a sleep-regulating hormone), your sleep quality can improve. Additionally, the extra work done by your muscles and body can help you feel more sleepy and get a good night's rest.
  • Eliminates excuses: Getting your workout in early in the day reduces the chance of avoiding a workout later—no matter the reason. Whether you get caught working late or juggling unexpected schedule changes, your workout time won't be affected since it's already completed.

Pros of Working Out in the Afternoon or Evening

Other studies found that, from a physiological standpoint, you’ll reap the most benefits from working up a sweat in the midday to the afternoon. Additional research illustrates a symbiotic relationship between exercise and sleep, further suggesting that evening fitness may be the best choice. Here are a few ways in which exercising in the afternoon or evening can be beneficial.

  • Better performance: Because you've eaten throughout the day, your body tends to have increased endurance and strength when working out later. This helps maximize your workout and burn more calories.
  • Improved sleep: While exercising regularly (regardless of the time) can help you sleep better, getting in a workout in the afternoon or evening hours can help your body wind down. This is particularly beneficial for anyone who has trouble sleeping.
  • Clears your mind: After a busy day of work, running errands, and other activities, a good workout can help soothe your mind. We already know that regular exercise reduces stress; this is just an added benefit of "working off" the day's events.
  • Provides a second wind: The increased energy level you get from exercising proves useful when a busy afternoon or evening awaits you. Squeezing in a workout between the day's routine and your evening activities can help boost your energy, giving you that essential second wind to finish the day.

Experts agree: The best time to exercise is any time you can do it regularly and realistically—and depends on the individual.

The Best Time to Work Out...For You

Since studies provide no clear answer on the best time to exercise, it’s difficult to justify forcing yourself to become a morning workout person or struggling to gather the energy for an evening workout. It turns out (and experts agree) that the best time to exercise depends on the person and will always be when you can actually exercise reliably and regularly, as kinesiologist Kristen Richers puts it.

“When it comes to seeing results in the gym, consistency is the name of the game,” Richers says. “You're more likely to show up for and stick to whatever feels best in the long run, and life is too short to spend time hating your workouts.”

Can’t figure out the timing that produces consistency—and thus progress and longevity? Try these tips for finding the best time of day to exercise for your lifestyle, preferences, and health goals.

01 of 07

Adjust Workout Time to Your Schedule

Our priorities constantly change as we grow from our 20s and 30s to our 40s and beyond. While work and travel might have been top of mind when you were fresh out of college, now, you may feel like you’re constantly balancing the demands of a family, career, and health.

As you think about when the best time to exercise might be for you right now, Richers suggests scheduling your workouts based on those priorities at any given time. And remember, this might look different on Tuesday than on Thursday. For example, if you have a job or family requiring your attention during or after work hours, would a noon fitness class be a better fit?

“Some working parents find that their employers can give them the flexibility to work out during the day, which enables them to spend mornings and evenings with their families,” Richers says. “Others need to communicate within the family to share responsibilities so that one parent can work out in the morning and the other can work out in the evening.”

02 of 07

Determine Fitness Goals

According to personal trainer Mike Moreno, NSCA-CPT, having a target to shoot for greatly impacts the direction of your workout routine. Likewise, it can also influence the time of day you choose to sweat. For example, if you’ve been doing the same type of workouts for months without seeing any changes or improvements you’re hoping for, your goal might be to break through a plateau.

In such a scenario, Moreno says that working out in the afternoon or early evening is slightly more beneficial for metabolic health and performance. “Your body's core temperature is typically warmer in the evening, and your strength and endurance can be higher when compared to morning workouts,” Moreno adds.

Maybe you’re satisfied with your fitness progression, but your diet is causing you trouble, and you’re seeking impactful ways to improve your eating habits. “Working out—or not working out—can directly affect the choices of food we eat following exercise,” Moreno says. “If you want fitness to guide your diet, then working out in the morning or at lunchtime may be best for you as it can encourage healthy food choices.”

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Follow Your Body's Natural Rhythms

Take a second and be honest with yourself: Do you dread the morning or find it bearable, or do you find it enjoyable to wake up full of energy? Do you find a sudden burst of energy in the afternoons after a day of sitting at a desk?

It doesn’t matter if you’re Team a.m. or Team p.m. (or somewhere in between). Instead, it matters if you listen to your body’s natural rhythms and intuitions instead of fighting them.

“If you're not a morning person and you struggle to get up early, let go of the expectations on yourself and work out at night,” Richers says. “If you're the sort of person whose brain starts to shut down around 3 p.m., and you just want to chill after work, then you may need to hold yourself accountable to working out in the morning.”

04 of 07

Start Small and Focus on Consistency

For those who don’t have a solid workout routine, it can feel daunting and intimidating to get started. All too often, newbies attempt to go full-throttle from day one, then quickly get discouraged and lose motivation.

That’s why starting small is more important than going big straight out of the gate (besides avoiding injury!). You don’t have to work out for hours each day, and you’ll enjoy yourself more if you set achievable goals that work for your schedule, says Janet Omstead, a certified nutritionist.

If you’re unsure where to begin, Omstead recommends focusing on one thing and making it something you try every day for a week, then a month, and then a year, preferably around the same time every day to help your brain and body recognize it as a habit. Maybe it’s walking for twenty minutes, lifting weights for 15 minutes, or running one, single mile.

Over time, your body will get used to the movement and it’ll become second nature. To keep yourself motivated by your progress, Omstead suggests keeping a journal (old school or on your phone) to record your exercise. You may be surprised looking back!

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Find Like-Minded Workout Partners

Though some people prefer to work up a sweat in their home gym listening to their playlist or podcast without anyone around them—others thrive off of community. For some people, exercise and play are the most fun when connecting with others. “Creating a community keeps people going back,” Omstead says. “You have a sense of belonging.” 

Reach out to your friend group or find workout classes in your area that offer meaningful ways to connect. Through these groups, you can likely find an accountability buddy (or two) who will be there for you along your fitness journey. Sometimes, you need someone else to rise at dawn or text you to work out in the evening to keep you on track.

“Whether indoors or outside, when you find what types of play you love, [you] can find others with similar interests and create a community that focuses on movement,” Omstead says. “Spending time with others makes you happier and healthier.”

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Prioritize Sleep

Believe it or not, according to certified trainer Ryan Kennedy, good sleeping hygiene (read: sleep habits and routines) is more important than a good exercise routine. When planning your schedule, ensure you always get seven to nine hours of uninterrupted sleep each night. Truthfully, if you aren’t well rested, it doesn’t matter if you’re a morning or evening fitness-goer since you won’t have enough energy to make it through a jog or a deadlift.

“Different people naturally have different sleep chronotypes,” Kennedy explains. “Some individuals are early risers and like to exert themselves at the beginning of each day, while others are night owls and prefer to exercise after work.”

Ryan Kennedy, a NASM-certified trainer

"Do not regularly sacrifice sleep for exercise."

— Ryan Kennedy, a NASM-certified trainer
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Be Flexible

Though you may ultimately decide mornings are the best time for your fitness routine, each day and week throws curveballs and challenges, so it’s essential to be flexible and realistic, Moreno says.

“Set yourself up for success by being realistic with life's demands,” Moreno adds. “Chances are, if you are simply consistent, you will experience the many benefits of health and fitness. The quality and consistency of your workout journey are most important.”

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