6 Clever Ways to Use Hairspray Around the House

Hairspray to the rescue!

woman using hairspray

Jonathan Storey/Getty Images

Hairspray is a great product to have on hand—whether you want to make sure your hairstyle stays because it’s a humid day and you need a little extra help or you want your hair to have extra volume, keeping a can or two around is never a bad idea. But hairspray isn’t just for your hair. We don’t want to say it has magical powers, but there is so much you can do with it. Here are six creative (and unexpected!) uses for hairspray around the house.

Increase the Lifespan of Your Flowers

Do you constantly find your flowers wilting faster than you would like? This happens just about every time most of us receive an arrangement. Wish your gorgeous flowers could last just a few more days? Well, they can with the help of some hairspray.

According to Siobhan Alvarez-Borland, DIY and lifestyle expert, you can lightly spray your flowers with the stuff from approximately a one-foot distance. She says, “This helps preserve their vibrant colors and prevents petals from falling off too quickly. It's a great way to enjoy a special bouquet for just a little longer!”

Threading a Needle

Whether you enjoy embroidery crafts or need to sew a quick hem on a pair of pants, threading a needle can be very frustrating. So, hairspray can be a great helper here. “When it comes to crafts, you can use hairspray to thread a needle. Sometimes, like with embroidery floss, it can be tricky to get the thread in the needle,” says Alvarez.

But don’t spray wildly. “Spray a tiny amount of hairspray on the end of the thread to stiffen it. This makes it much easier to guide the thread through the needle, saving you time and frustration during sewing projects," she explains.

Controlling Glitter

While kids love using glitter on arts and crafts projects, adults may be less enthusiastic about the mess. “As a busy mom of three, we use a lot of glitter on projects, and it can be a mess! Hairspray can help prevent glitter from flaking off the paper or projects,” explains the DIY expert.

After applying glitter to your project, she suggests giving it a quick spritz with hairspray to lock the glitter in place. “This simple trick keeps glitter from shedding everywhere and makes your sparkly creations look polished and neat.”

Sealing Chalk Art

Whether you fancy yourself to be an artist or you have children who enjoy drawing with chalk, this material can get very messy and end up all over your house. While you can buy products formulated to seal chalk art, hairspray can also get the job done with far less fumes. So, opt for unscented hairspray if you are really sensitive.

Stop a Pantyhose Disaster

Wearing pantyhose can make your outfit look more put together and help you stay warm in the winter. But when there’s a run, you look anything but polished. A quick spritz of hairspray can stop a run in its tracks.

While it won’t save your pantyhose in the long run, it’s an easy solution to this problem in the short term or if you are having a fashion emergency. Just keep in mind that you don’t want to overdo it because your legs will feel very sticky.

Remove Lint and Pet Hair

Did you pull off the last sheet from your lint roller? Don’t fret. Hairspray to the rescue. Just spray a little bit on a cleaning cloth for best results (or an old towel will do). Start rubbing and you’ll see lint lift and pet hair disappear. Just be sure to avoid doing this on delicate fabrics like silk. 

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