6 Things to Declutter Before Summer Starts

Check off these to-dos before July.

Whether you’re excited to get out and travel, go to barbeques, or take a trip to the beach this summer, you shouldn’t let anything hold you back—especially a messy house. Taking some time to declutter a few key areas of your house before the summer activities ramp up will help you start the season off on the right foot, leading to a more relaxing summer. Here are some key places to declutter right now, according to the organizing pros.


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Sunscreen and Other Personal Care Products With Expiration Dates

If you only have time to declutter one thing before the summer begins, spend a few minutes going through those bottles of sunscreen you bought last year and didn’t finish. “Does anyone else have the bad habit of [buying] sunscreen every time they are going on a trip? Check those expiration dates and declutter what isn’t useable anymore,” advises Sam Lund of Simply Sam. After all, using expired sunscreen can lead to sunburns or skin reactions.

Then Lund recommends checking your insect repellent stash. After all, you don’t want your next camping trip to be ruined by uninvited guests.

This is also a good opportunity to sort through your first aid kit, ibuprofen, and antibiotic ointment—decluttering anything that’s nearly used or expired. Then replace any product you’ll need in an emergency. 

The Garage

For many of us, garages become a dumping ground for miscellaneous items from tools to furniture to old kitchen gadgets you never use. “It’s the most wonderful time of the year to declutter that garage. I’m not going to lie, for most people, this is a rather large project, but it’s also the most satisfying,” Lund says. “Stop hanging on to the things you’re never going to use and make your garage a place that’s easily accessible. No one wants to spend an hour of their weekend finding that one thing you know you have.” 

Your Closet and Dresser

Lund advises purging your closet every quarter. “For summer, donate anything that doesn’t excite you for the upcoming season. Put all of your weather-appropriate items in one corner or a section of your closet so that it’s easy and fun to get dressed in the morning.”

Get rid of or donate heavier items like sweaters, boots, and coats, especially if they take up a lot of space. This will also help you reevaluate what you need to fill in the gaps in your wardrobe once temperatures drop again in a few months.  

The Linen Closet

One place that many of us forget to declutter is the linen closet. Contrary to what some believe, nothing lasts forever, even those fancy 500-thread-count sheets. White towels lose their brightness after a year or two. Makeup stains on pillowcases don’t always end up coming out in the wash. If your linen closet shelves are overly full and messy, it’s time to purge. 

Still, you don’t need to get rid of everything. Use your faded towels at the pool or beach, then donate them to a local animal shelter at the end of the season. Similarly, you can repurpose your old hand towels and washcloths as cleaning rags. 

Your Purse

Whether you carry a giant tote, a handbag, or a minimalist clutch, now is the time to declutter its contents. Pull out those old receipts and empty chapstick tubes, and make sure you're stocked on hair elastics, a mini face sunscreen, and other summer essentials. When's the last time you decluttered your keychain? Do you really need the door fob for the gym you haven't been to in three years? If you tend to carry a lot of keys, you'll be surprised how decluttering your keychain can lighten your load.

The Backyard or Patio

No matter if your outdoor space consists of a spacious backyard or a tiny balcony, declutter it. Look for terracotta pots that didn't make it through the winter, outdoor furniture that wasn't properly covered and needs to be replaced, garden tools that are rusted beyond repair. Keep in mind that some items may just need a spring deep-clean.

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