How to Safely Defrost Steak Fast

Get your steak defrosted quickly without sacrificing flavor, texture, or health.

Knowing how to defrost steak quickly can come in handy for unplanned events. For example: Your child calls to say a friend is coming for dinner, and normally, an extra serving of casserole or two extra tacos would be no big deal. You make plenty for leftovers night as it is.

But tonight, you planned to cook steaks with grilled vegetables, so there's one problem: You are short one steak, and the clock is ticking. If you know how to thaw steak fast, you can still get the beef on the grill with time to spare. Thanks to this no-fail steak-thawing method, dinner is saved.

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What Is Defrosting?

Simply defined, defrosting food is a process of thawing the frozen product and bringing it to room temperature. This is important to help the meat cook thoroughly and safely, thus avoiding food poisoning—whether you're defrosting fish, chicken, or other meat.

While there are various methods for thawing steaks and other meat, some are safer than others. In this case, safety means that the meat stays within a certain temperature range so it doesn't begin to cook or encourage bacterial growth.

The Best Way to Thaw Steak

In all situations, the ideal way to thaw a steak is in a refrigerator. The meat will stay at a constant, cold temp while it defrosts. This keeps it at a safe temperature, and you won't risk becoming ill from bad bacteria.

In the event you don't have time for this lengthy process (it typically takes 24 to 36 hours), you can speed things up with the following USDA-approved method. Essentially, you will defrost your steak by submerging it in cold water for 30 minutes at a time before switching the water. This allows the steak to stay at a safe temperature and prevents bacteria growth. Depending on the size, weight, and cut of steak, this technique will thaw steak in as little as 30 minutes (bigger steaks take more time). Follow these steps to quickly and safely defrost a steak.

Place Steak in a Resealable Bag

Grab a frozen steak from your stash and place it in a zip-top bag or reusable food storage bag. Squeeze out as much air as possible and seal the bag. You want it tightly sealed to avoid exposure to the air and water while allowing the steak to retain its juices.

Add Steak to a Bowl of Cold Water

Place the steak in a large bowl. If you're thawing more than one steak, you can speed up the process by giving each steak its own bowl. Fill the bowl or bowls with cool water, not hot or warm water. Cool water is safest. The higher the temperature climbs, the closer you get to the danger zone, or when bacteria growth accelerates.

Submerge the Steak

Leave the steak in the water for 30 minutes. Place a spatula or wooden spoon on the meat to keep it submerged. After that half-hour, check the steak. If it's not completely thawed, empty the water, and fill the bowls with fresh cool water. Because the water's temperature is cool, you don't have to worry about any discoloration of the meat, and it's not hot enough to start the cooking process.

Plan for about 30 minutes per pound of meat. Thinner steaks will be fully thawed in 30 minutes. Thicker ribeyes or filets might need more time. You can speed up the process by separating individual pieces from each other when they're thawed enough to pry apart.

Remove to Cook

Remove the bag from the water. Open the seal and remove the steak. Season and cook the meat just as you typically do. If the center remains a bit icy, that's OK, you can still cook the meat. Just give it a few extra minutes to reach a safe temperature.

Which Fast-Thawing Methods for Steak Should You Avoid?

While other techniques are available for quickly defrosting a steak, there are some you should skip. From using a microwave to directly running water on the meat, here are some common thawing methods you should avoid.

Microwave Defrosting

Even if it has a defrost option, it's best not to use the microwave when trying to thaw steak. The heat from the appliance will thaw the meat, but it can also quickly begin cooking the steak. This will affect the meat's color (it'll turn gray) and the texture (it could become chewy). Use this method only as a last resort.

Room Temperature on a Counter

Certainly do not leave the steak on the counter at room temperature for any length of time. Even cool rooms like a basement or garage are far too warm. The outside portions of the meat will rapidly warm to the danger zone—40° F to 140° F—and dangerous bacterial growth may start. This could lead to food poisoning.

Direct Water Exposure

Some cooks recommend placing an unwrapped steak in a bowl of water with a steady stream running into it. This will certainly help keep the water around the steak at a constant cool temperature—and prevent it from reaching the danger zone—but it also means all the juices a steak naturally releases while thawing will be lost for good. Ultimately, that could mean you have a dry, stringy piece of meat.

Is It Safe to Cook Steak That Is Still Frozen?

If you don't even have time to thaw steak fast in bowls of water, don't fret. The USDA says it's safe to cook meat from frozen, though it will take longer to cook—one and a half times longer. Some people even say that cooking a steak that's still frozen leads to a better taste because the meat retains more moisture.

Because you'll need to account for about 50 percent more cooking time for the meat, put it on the grill first if you want it to come off at the same time as already-defrosted steaks. You may also want to sear it on high heat before cooking it the rest of the way to lock in the juices. Plus, you'll get a delicious crust on the outside.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Does steak thaw faster in water?

    Steak will defrost faster in cold water than if left in the refrigerator. That is because water conducts heat better than air, which allows the steak to warm up to room temperature more quickly. If thawing steak in cold water, change the water every 30 minutes or so.

  • Does freezing a steak change its flavor?

    Freezing and defrosting steak should not change its flavor as long as you wrap and store it properly. Each steak should be individually wrapped in tin foil or butcher paper and placed in a ziplock bag. With this method, steak can be kept in the freezer for up to one year.

  • Is it better to cook a steak frozen or thawed?

    While most people prefer to defrost their steak before cooking, it is possible to cook a frozen steak. As long as it is cooked to a center temperature of at least 145 degrees, it is safe to eat. Whether or not you cook it frozen or thawed is a personal preference.

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  1. USDA Food Safety and Inspection Service. “The Big Thaw — Safe Defrosting Methods.” USDA, 15 June 2013, Accessed 23 Aug. 2024.

  2. USDA, "Danger Zone" (40 °F - 140 °F). Accessed April 15, 2022.

  3. AskUSDA. “Can You Cook Meat or Poultry from the Frozen State?” USDA, 14 Aug. 2024, Accessed 23 Aug. 2024.


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