8 Things to Toss From Your Closet This Weekend Before Fall Starts

The change of the seasons is always a good time to declutter.

broken sunglasses

Lidia Efimova/Getty Images

As sad as you might be that the last days of summer are fading away, the good news is that fall is almost officially here. While the days of vacations, barbecues, and spending extensive time outdoors are ending, fall fun is just beginning. Before Halloween arrives and things become extra busy, why not take this time to do a little closet reset so you can enter the new season feeling fresh and organized? Here are eight things to toss from your closet before fall. 

  • Emily Preciado-Fonseca, professional organizer and founder of MommyAssist, an on-demand assistance service for moms
  • Nicole Gabai, certified virtual organizing professional, founder of organizing company B. Organized and author of The Art of Organizing

Anything Damaged

If something is damaged, it’s probably a good idea to say goodbye. “In any season, start by purging anything damaged or unwearable," says professional organizer Emily Preciado-Fonseca. Aside from the obvious—holes, pilling, stains—'damaged' includes anything you haven’t gotten around to repairing."

Also, look for items that have stretched-out elastic you aren't likely to repair or that no longer fit, suggests Nicole Gabai, a certified virtual organizing professional. You may need to try a few things on to be sure.

Unwearable Shoes

Take a look at your old shoes. “Flip-flops that you’ve held onto for too long, or any toe-baring shoes that have been worn down, can also go," Preciado-Fonseca says. "Plus, as fall arrives, consider getting rid of any boots or shoes that may no longer be in style."

If you have shoes that haven’t been worn in a year or that hurt your feet, Gabai recommends bidding farewell to that old footwear.

Old Summer Clothing and Accessories

“As summer winds down, take a good, hard look at your summer gear,” says Preciado-Fonseca. “Old bathing suits that are stretched out, coverups you got on vacation 10 years ago and haven’t worn since, out-of-style shorts, and even accessories, like beach bags and big sun hats that are cute but mostly just taking up space in your closet should go.”

Old Sports Equipment

While you're at it, be sure to check your old sports equipment, like that tennis racket that’s too damaged to be re-strung, scratched goggles, or snorkeling fins that got ripped during your last excursion. If you're going to buy a replacement anyways, then it's time to get rid of the old version.

Scratched Sunglasses

Sunglasses don’t last forever, and keeping ones you can’t wear because they’re scratched or don't fit right is just a waste of space. “Older, inexpensive, or damaged sunglasses need to go,” Preciado-Fonseca says.

Summer Outerwear

Whether it’s a denim jacket or a zip-up hoodie you wear on windy beach nights, Preciado-Fonseca suggests removing any summer outerwear from your closet that isn’t suitable for fall. This way, you can swap it out and make room for those warm winter coats. “Will they be warm enough for the coming fall? If not, store them elsewhere,” she says.

Things You Don’t Need Regular Access To

Most of us have limited closet space, so why store things you rarely use in an area meant for frequently used items? “Are you storing boxes from electronics or items used only once a year, such as Halloween costumes?" Gabai says. "Perhaps those would be better stored in the garage in a clear, airtight container."

Items Associated With a Negative Emotion

Does that concert tee remind you of a bad breakup? Preciado-Fonseca advises donating it or passing it on to someone else. “Anything that triggers any kind of negative emotion, like anxiety or disappointment in yourself, should go," she says. "This includes ‘someday-I’ll-wear-this’ pieces and things you’re not excited about. There’s never a good season to keep anything that makes you feel that way.”

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