Prevent "Floordrobe" With 7 Pro Tips for Keeping Clothes Tidy—and Off the Ground

Manage the mess of clothes with these smart ideas from expert organizers.

Modern wardrobe with opened metal mesh laundry basket and wooden drawers. Wooden wardrobe with flat finger pull wardrobe doors. Oak veneered plywood cabinets with light gray painted cabinet doors

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We all have our dirty little secrets when it comes to organization. For some of us, it’s the laundry chair—you know, the pretty piece you splurge on for the corner of your bedroom that also happens to be impeccable at collecting all the clothes you decide against wearing five minutes before running out the door. For others, it’s the dreaded floordrobe; also known as the unsavory habit of tossing clean and dirty clothing items onto your floor to deal with later—only to never actually deal with them later. 

Thanks to the term's rise in popularity on TikTok, many consider it a "sign" of ADHD—though to be clear, this does not actually mean you have ADHD. You might just be a naturally messy person! And that's okay! However, whether you use your floor as a go-to destination for a newly-clean load of laundry you plan (and forget) to fold that day or as a rotating Clueless-style closet you pull from at a whim, a messy bedroom can impact more than just how wrinkly your favorite shirt looks.

“There is a real toll that clutter can take on your mental health, says Emily Mass, professional organizer and owner of Spaces by Emily. “Waking up each day and knowing that your bedroom is organized, your clothes are easy to find and access, and you can get ready quickly and efficiently is the best feeling. You’ll also save a lot of money and time when your room is organized—you won’t be left trying to find a certain top or rebuying things you thought you lost.”  

To help you avoid the pitfalls of a chaotic floordrobe once and for all, we tapped several organizers to share their best tips for staying organized, planning outfits efficiently, and ridding yourself of excess. 

Get Two Hampers

A dirty clothes hamper is essential for your bedroom, but the pros we talked to actually suggest you grab a second to keep clothes off of your floor. “Keep a second hamper in your room or closet specifically for clean clothes or clothes that you wore once but don’t want to hang with your actual clean clothes,” suggests Mass.

It provides a perfect middle-ground storage spot for stashing your twice-worn jeans that aren’t quite clean enough to put back in your drawer, but aren’t dirty enough to warrant a wash yet. 

Add a "Donate Bin"

We’ve all been there: You’re trying clothes on for work or a night out and stumble across a piece that just doesn’t serve you anymore. You add “Donate black strapless dress” to your mental to-do list, put it back in your closet (or worse, toss it on the floor), and promptly forget about it.

Instead of following this well-intentioned—but endless loop—for the rest of time, set yourself up with a designated spot for gently-used pieces that deserve a second life with someone new. “We are big believers in a closet donate bin,” says Jennifer Johnson, a professional organizer and owner of The Orderly Space. “If you try on an item that doesn't look or feel right, drop it directly into the donate bin, then pencil in a time each month to clear it out with a trip to your local shelter or Goodwill.” 

Do a Speed Clean

Maintaining an organized space is a bit like riding a bike; if your foot slips off the pedal for too long, the whole thing comes crashing down. Point being, even the smallest efforts can make a big difference, which is why all of the pros we spoke to stressed the importance of setting aside even 10 to 15 minutes a day to tidy.

“Set a timer on your phone for 10 minutes and put away as many clothes as you can before the timer is up,” says Mass. “This turns the chore into a little speed game, which can be helpful for a lot of people. Oftentimes, when we do this we realize how fast we can actually put things away and it prevents pile-ups later on in the week.”

Skip Hanging Altogether

Each person has their own individual habits and needs, so it stands to reason that clothing storage is not a one-size-fits-all solution. If the act of hanging up clothing always seems to trip you up, consider alternative methods of storage that are more your speed.

“If you dread rehanging clothing, don't be afraid to forgo hanging altogether,” suggests Johnson. “Instead, utilize bins and baskets to corral clothing inside—items will stay out of sight but there will be no hanging or folding necessary.”

Get Rid of Temptation 

Sometimes, conquering your bad clothing habits can be as simple as removing the tempting stopgap between you and an organized space. “When it comes to relying on something like a clothing chair, I love to ask my clients if they actually use the chair to sit in,” says Jen Robin, an organizational expert and creator behind Life in Jeneral. “If the answer is no, I would suggest saying goodbye to it, as it’s clearly just attracting clutter.”

Fill Your Closet With Staples

In many cases, less is more—especially when it comes to an overflowing wardrobe. If you’ve tried (and failed) to put your floordrobe habit to rest, it may be time to take a holistic look at your clothing collection to create a more edited closet filled with staples you love—not ones you’re tempted to toss on the ground. “My rule is that every item in my closet should instill joy and confidence when wearing it,” says Johnson. “If an item doesn't meet that criteria, it's okay to let it go.” 

Select a Secret Spot

We’re all about realistic solutions—and sometimes the most realistic thing of all is admitting when you just can’t break a habit. If the act of using your floor as a clothing catch-all is here to stay, there are still ways to improve the habit, even just by 5%.

Bedroom organization is really all about creating small daily habits that prevent mess and overwhelm,” says Holly Blakey, the professional organizer and stylist behind Breathing Room Home. “If you don't have the time to put things away in the morning, get a basket in the corner that you can toss things into—I like to call it a 'tidy toss basket'—then commit to putting things away at night. It helps if it doesn't have a lid; funnily enough, if it has a lid, people are less likely to use it. Visibility and accessibility are key to making this system work.”

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